Ann Kreilkamp will be presenting at NAPC.
She will give a presentation on “The Evolution of Green Acres Urban Village.” Gradually, over a period of seven years, we have been carving out an intentional village atmosphere inside a conventional suburban neighborhood. The presentation will include and emphasize both the specific difficulties of working with this particular site as well as stories of how we are learning how to integrate shadow material, both individual and social. Begun as the Green Acres Neighborhood Garden, the site and its people have evolved into the Green Acres Village and Urban Farm with a four-member CSA, weekly Community Dinners, art, work parties, shared tools, skills, and projects, annual special events, that celebrate seasonal changes, and a continuously creative intergenerational and multidimensional awareness.

Rhonda Baird, ARC Secretary, will also be at NAPC as part of the core organizing team, coordinating the Media and Communications Working Group, and representing Permaculture Design magazine.